Saturday, October 17, 2009

Get that Competitive Edge...

If you want to be competitive in this industry you have to be ready at all times, and that means being prepared. Vocally, physically, with your promo, keeping up on pictures, bio’s, web updates, social networks, networking and a whole lot of other things that being in this industry requires, and guess what… this all takes a time… To get that competitive edge you have to be disciplined, good at time management, always be moving forward, and always be getting things done.

How do you do that… well….. It’s called a schedule. Breaking news… sometimes we have schedule time in for ourselves. And the excuse I have to work, or I’m too busy I don’t have enough time just don't fly with me… my answer is you don’t have enough time to be waiting… Life moves fast and this industry moves even faster. You don’t have time to put things off till tomorrow.

When you think about it, the one thing that you really have control over… is YOU! Make the most of your time, that is, if you are really serious about having a successful career. If you aren’t willing to put the time in I can guarantee you that someone else is… I work with many dedicated people who are absolutely putting in the time and effort... I know that may sound a little harsh, and I’m sorry about that, but after being in this industry for over 30 years, I want to tell you the truth. I’d like you to be ready for it….. So, either be prepared to really do what it takes, or take another long look at what you want out of life. You’ll be happier in the end either way.

Having said all of that, if you love it and it’s your passion… Make the absolute most of what you have… Do what makes you happy.. just do it to the best of your abilities, if you’re honest with yourself, you’ll know if you’re really doing that… on not…..

Not everyone can hire a coach or a trainer to make sure things are getting done, so here’s a way you can start taking control of your future. It’s always nice to have someone to be accountable to, but that can be a friend, spouse, family member… just make sure you are being consistent!

Pick how many hours you can devote to each activity each week and make a chart. Say you want to give four hours a week to each of these activities singing, fitness, and songwriting. That’s 12 hours … out of 168 hours in the week… if your career and your future mean that much to you, get off the phone, cut out some television, go to bed earlier and get up a little earlier.. find the time, you are the only one who can do this!

Then, if you want to actually set days and times you can, or you can just have boxes that you check off when you have done an activity. This later way is more flexible and I have found that it may fit to busy schedules a little easier.

So make it on the computer or hand draw it, put it on the refrigerator or make a logbook…

It can be something as basic as this:

Week beginning: _____________

Singing: _______ _________ __________ _________

Workouts: _________ ___________ ________ __________

Songwriting: _________ _________ ________ __________

Obviously, you can tailor this to the activities that are specific to you, but it can literally be something this simple… then as you do them, check them off. Watch how much you start getting done and improving with some consistency of practice…

The entertainment industry is a business just like Microsoft or Boeing. The difference is you are putting your time and effort into you, not someone else company… And REMEMBER....there are a lot of different ways to make a living as an entertainer. We don’t just have to be talking about becoming and artist. If you are a part of a band, a back up vocalist, part of a touring Broadway show, on Broadway, an impersonator, or on television… where ever your career takes you, believe me, your producers will appreciate your hard work and you will get called back and recommended because they know they can always count on a great performance and professionalism from you!

Care about yourself enough to give your business, YOU, the best shot you can… You deserve that!

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