Saturday, October 31, 2009

Check out the new recipe on the blog...

Chicken Stroganoff!

Another New Recipe!

Here's another one that makes a good, healthy and quick meal. And I did put mine over brown rice instead of noodles and it was very good...

I'm going to try and get a new recipe out every Saturday... because some of you, like me have said that you cook on Sunday, and it's nice to have something new to try... Enjoy!

Chicken Stroganoff (serves 6)

1 Tbls olive oil

1 medium yellow onion chopped
(about one cup)

3 cups sliced mushrooms

1 medium red bell peppers, chopped
(about 1 cup)

1/3 cup reduced sodium chicken broth

Noodles (although I have gluten free noodles, I put mine over brown rice)

3 cups cooked cubed chicken (I cooked 2 skinless chicken breast and added a clove of garlic to the chicken while I cooked it.. always the good Italian…)

1 cup nonfat sour cream

¼ teaspoon nutmeg

1/8 teaspoon ground pepper

1.) in a large skillet heat oil over medium high heat until hot but not smoking. Add onion and cook, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes. Stir in mushrooms, bell pepper and broth. Cook stirring occasionally until vegetables are tender and liquid has evaporated, about 6 to 8 minutes.
2.) Cook noodles according to package directions, but do not add salt.
3.) Add chicken, sour cream, nutmeg, and black pepper to mixture in skillet. Cook, stirring frequently, until heated through and mixture thickens slightly, about 2 minutes.
4.) Drain noodles in a colander and divide among bowls. Spoon chicken mixture over noodles. Serve immediately.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Don't forget to check out the blog... this week on creating your image...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Check out the new blog..

How to create the image you want!

How to create the image you want!

I attended an Indie Connect Networking meeting on Monday and the guest speaker was Michael Moore. The lecture was on how to create an image or maybe even more correctly a lasting image as an artist.

I’m going to paraphrase but hit some of the points I thought were excellent and every artist should think about….

One of the main things he said is that creating an image should come from the inside out. Not create an image and worry about substance after that… He said and I think he is correct image should come secondary to talent!

The first and most important thing any artist should do when thinking about creating their image is to first know who they are. They must know what drives them and what they stand for: Personally and musically. He went on to say that the two things artists need to gain fans is reach (viewers and listeners) and frequency of reach. The best way for a new or independent artist to gain frequency and loyalty from their fans is to know who you are, what you stand for and project that thru your music, look, design, and anything else that goes out into the public eye… But outward image should all stem from or be built around who you really are and knowing yourself on the inside.

Another great thing he said was once you know who you are and have an image… stick with it… you are who you are, is who you are and who the public will always expect you to be… and you shouldn’t be talked into or swayed from what it is you do. Now everyone can use a good constructive critique and advise now and then, but can you picture your favorite artist suddenly going off in a new musical direction? It would be strange and you probably wouldn’t be as into them if they strayed from what it is you liked about them. That’s and important tool for you when you are building loyal fans… find out who you are and stick to it! Fans want something they can rely on…

Can you imagine Lynyard Skynyrd being anything but southern rock, MJ being doing say heavy metal, Aerosmith performing Hanna Montana songs, Metallica doing a concert of the Jonas Brothers music, Dianna Krall singing Rhianna songs… you get the point… these artists all know who they are and what their image should be. My guess is you wouldn’t go to see any of those shows. You’d go to see those artists because you know what to expect when you get there. All of those artists know who they are and give that to their audience every time they record, get on stage, do an interview or just hang out at an event… they aren’t acting, they are being who they are! For real….

I always am in favor of a young artist taking the time to find themselves musically before being thrown into a world where they may tell you who to be… what happens if the money people pick a direction, image, look etc that isn’t really “who you are” well, if you want to keep your fans coming to your shows and buying product, you’re pretty much stuck with that image and music… so choose carefully… take the time to sing all kinds of music… follow your own heart and passion. It was Steve Martin who said, “You’re only new once.” Play as many gigs as you can when you’re young and not really in the public eye, sing all kinds of songs and get to know what music really speaks to you. Then when you feel very confident that you know what you want to present to the world, go about marketing yourself and your product. After all, it’s your life… make it what you want because what ever you present is going to be with you a LONG TIME!

I thought this was excellent advise and wanted to share his thoughts with you... I hope you find it helpful!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Check out the new blog...

Make and take healthy recipe!

Make and take healthy recipe!

Well… in the interest of great health for both my fitness clients and my vocal students, each week I’m going to give you one of my favorite healthy recipes! Sometimes when you are in training diets can become, well, stale. I try and find foods and recipes that I can take with me. Although power bars and shakes are an option…. if possible…. ALWAYS CHOOSE REAL FOOD!

So here is a meal you can make and take. It’s great as a leftover the next day or keep the salsa separate and make more pasta and have it fresh when ever you want it… Just put
this in some Tupperware and take it with you when you go to work. It’s a great lunch or dinner, just be sure and watch your portion size. Remember, even healthy food isn’t good if you eat too many calories at one sitting!

Spicy Chicken Salad (Serves 4)

Chili Salsa:
4 Large Tomatoes, chopped
1 large jalapeno pepper,
finely chopped
1 red onion
1 garlic clove, minced
1 teaspoon lime juice
1 teaspoon salt

Chicken Base:
2 whole chicken breasts,
skinless and boneless
3 Cups vegetable stock
1 lb good quality spaghetti
salt and pepper to taste
chopped scallions

Chili Salsa:

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Correct the seasonings. Cover and refrigerate.

Chicken Salad:

In a large saucepan, place the chicken and vegetable stock and bring to a boil. Add water, if necessary, to cover the chicken.

Simmer the chicken until tender, about 10 minutes. Cool the chicken, dice it, and reserve.

Cook the spaghetti in salted water, drain, and set aside.

Combine the chicken, pasta, and 2 cups of the salsa in a large bowl.

Correct the seasonings and add salt and pepper.

Serve at room temperature or chilled, with chopped scallions garnish.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Don't forget to check out the new blog

Get the Competitive Edge...
check out the new blog

Get that Competitive Edge!

Get that Competitive Edge...

If you want to be competitive in this industry you have to be ready at all times, and that means being prepared. Vocally, physically, with your promo, keeping up on pictures, bio’s, web updates, social networks, networking and a whole lot of other things that being in this industry requires, and guess what… this all takes a time… To get that competitive edge you have to be disciplined, good at time management, always be moving forward, and always be getting things done.

How do you do that… well….. It’s called a schedule. Breaking news… sometimes we have schedule time in for ourselves. And the excuse I have to work, or I’m too busy I don’t have enough time just don't fly with me… my answer is you don’t have enough time to be waiting… Life moves fast and this industry moves even faster. You don’t have time to put things off till tomorrow.

When you think about it, the one thing that you really have control over… is YOU! Make the most of your time, that is, if you are really serious about having a successful career. If you aren’t willing to put the time in I can guarantee you that someone else is… I work with many dedicated people who are absolutely putting in the time and effort... I know that may sound a little harsh, and I’m sorry about that, but after being in this industry for over 30 years, I want to tell you the truth. I’d like you to be ready for it….. So, either be prepared to really do what it takes, or take another long look at what you want out of life. You’ll be happier in the end either way.

Having said all of that, if you love it and it’s your passion… Make the absolute most of what you have… Do what makes you happy.. just do it to the best of your abilities, if you’re honest with yourself, you’ll know if you’re really doing that… on not…..

Not everyone can hire a coach or a trainer to make sure things are getting done, so here’s a way you can start taking control of your future. It’s always nice to have someone to be accountable to, but that can be a friend, spouse, family member… just make sure you are being consistent!

Pick how many hours you can devote to each activity each week and make a chart. Say you want to give four hours a week to each of these activities singing, fitness, and songwriting. That’s 12 hours … out of 168 hours in the week… if your career and your future mean that much to you, get off the phone, cut out some television, go to bed earlier and get up a little earlier.. find the time, you are the only one who can do this!

Then, if you want to actually set days and times you can, or you can just have boxes that you check off when you have done an activity. This later way is more flexible and I have found that it may fit to busy schedules a little easier.

So make it on the computer or hand draw it, put it on the refrigerator or make a logbook…

It can be something as basic as this:

Week beginning: _____________

Singing: _______ _________ __________ _________

Workouts: _________ ___________ ________ __________

Songwriting: _________ _________ ________ __________

Obviously, you can tailor this to the activities that are specific to you, but it can literally be something this simple… then as you do them, check them off. Watch how much you start getting done and improving with some consistency of practice…

The entertainment industry is a business just like Microsoft or Boeing. The difference is you are putting your time and effort into you, not someone else company… And REMEMBER....there are a lot of different ways to make a living as an entertainer. We don’t just have to be talking about becoming and artist. If you are a part of a band, a back up vocalist, part of a touring Broadway show, on Broadway, an impersonator, or on television… where ever your career takes you, believe me, your producers will appreciate your hard work and you will get called back and recommended because they know they can always count on a great performance and professionalism from you!

Care about yourself enough to give your business, YOU, the best shot you can… You deserve that!

Friday, October 16, 2009

A great songwriting day...we finished the first song... one more tomorrow before I go... Awesome visit to Canada... we got a lot accomplished!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Check out the new blog...

Water... Water.... Water....

Water…. Water….. Water….

Singers it is so important to keep the body hydrated! And it’s way more efficient for the body to do this from the inside out… I know lots of people are fans of throat sprays… I’m not… It’s a band-aid for the real problem… you’re not getting enough water!

The general rule is half your body weight in oz of water. So if you weigh 120, that would be 60 oz of water per day… and if you have to, always round up. A few extra oz of water won’t hurt you. However, please remember if you are doing any kind of strenuous activity… a show or lots of working out and cardio, you need more water.

* Drink 8 oz of water 20 to 30 minutes prior to exercising.
* Drink 4-8 oz of water every 10 to 15 minutes during exercise.
* Drink an additional 8 oz of water within 30 minutes after exercising.

Also drinking water will not give you cramps when you exercise… that is a myth. The truth is that cramps can be a symptom of dehydration. If you drink enough water everyday, it will ultimately reduce your risk of getting cramps. Don’t wait till you’re thirsty to drink water… Hydrate during the day…

Here are a couple of tips for natural things that will help soothe dry thoat.

Green Apples
Breathing Steam and,
Breathing thru your nose not your mouth

Friday, October 9, 2009

Vocal Instructional Courses available now for digital download...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Check out the new blog...

Give Your Music Away...

Give Your Music Away…

Give Your Music Away…

This is something a friend sent me this morning it is the thoughts of Trent Reznor from NIN… I think he’s right on the money and thought I’d share it with you…..Enjoy…


I posted a message on Twitter yesterday stating I thought The Beastie Boys and TopSpin Media "got it right" regarding how to sell music in this day and age. Here's a link to their store:


Shortly thereafter, I got some responses from people stating the usual "yeah, if you're an established artist - what if you're just trying to get heard?" argument. In an interview I did recently this topic came up and I'll reiterate what I said here.

If you are an unknown / lesser-known artist trying to get noticed / established:

* Establish your goals. What are you trying to do / accomplish? If you are looking for mainstream super-success (think Lady GaGa, Coldplay, U2, Justin Timberlake) - your best bet in my opinion is to look at major labels and prepare to share all revenue streams / creative control / music ownership. To reach that kind of critical mass these days your need old-school marketing muscle and that only comes from major labels. Good luck with that one.

If you're forging your own path, read on.

* Forget thinking you are going to make any real money from record sales. Make your record cheaply (but great) and GIVE IT AWAY. As an artist you want as many people as possible to hear your work. Word of mouth is the only true marketing that matters.
To clarify:
Parter with a TopSpin or similar or build your own website, but what you NEED to do is this - give your music away as high-quality DRM-free MP3s. Collect people's email info in exchange (which means having the infrastructure to do so) and start building your database of potential customers. Then, offer a variety of premium packages for sale and make them limited editions / scarce goods. Base the price and amount available on what you think you can sell. Make the packages special - make them by hand, sign them, make them unique, make them something YOU would want to have as a fan. Make a premium download available that includes high-resolution versions (for sale at a reasonable price) and include the download as something immediately available with any physical purchase. Sell T-shirts. Sell buttons, posters... whatever.

Don't have a TopSpin as a partner? Use Amazon for your transactions and fulfillment. []

Use TuneCore to get your music everywhere. []

Have a realistic idea of what you can expect to make from these and budget your recording appropriately.
The point is this: music IS free whether you want to believe that or not. Every piece of music you can think of is available free right now a click away. This is a fact - it sucks as the musician BUT THAT'S THE WAY IT IS (for now). So... have the public get what they want FROM YOU instead of a torrent site and garner good will in the process (plus build your database).

The Beastie Boys' site offers everything you could possibly want in the formats you would want it in - available right from them, right now. The prices they are charging are more than you should be charging - they are established and you are not. Think this through.

The database you are amassing should not be abused, but used to inform people that are interested in what you do when you have something going on - like a few shows, or a tour, or a new record, or a webcast, etc.
Have your MySpace page, but get a site outside MySpace - it's dying and reads as cheap / generic. Remove all Flash from your website. Remove all stupid intros and load-times. MAKE IT SIMPLE TO NAVIGATE AND EASY TO FIND AND HEAR MUSIC (but don't autoplay). Constantly update your site with content - pictures, blogs, whatever. Give people a reason to return to your site all the time. Put up a bulletin board and start a community. Engage your fans (with caution!) Make cheap videos. Film yourself talking. Play shows. Make interesting things. Get a Twitter account. Be interesting. Be real. Submit your music to blogs that may be interested. NEVER CHASE TRENDS. Utilize the multitude of tools available to you for very little cost of any - Flickr / YouTube / Vimeo / SoundCloud / Twitter etc.

If you don't know anything about new media or how people communicate these days, none of this will work. The role of an independent musician these days requires a mastery of first hand use of these tools. If you don't get it - find someone who does to do this for you. If you are waiting around for the phone to ring or that A & R guy to show up at your gig - good luck, you're going to be waiting a while.

Hope this helps, and I'll scour responses for intelligent comments I can respond to.